Kissed by Vampire Part 5


 I only woke up becouse I had mouthful of mud and a lamp of hard dirt as a pillow.
"OW."I sat up, blinking blearily." What the hell, you guys?"
"Shh," Connor hissed at me, his hand covering my mouth.
"We,re not alone." I ould barely hear him, he was speaking so softly. I couldn,t heartbeats or frightened porcupines or twigs snapping under combat boots, but I knew the rest of my brothers could. He drew a sun in the dirt at out feet. I coukd barely make out the shape in the moonlight falling through the branches. Not just vampires then.
The wind was warm, presistent. The crickets had stopped singing ,no doubt sensing predarors in every corner of the forest.This was our forest damn it, The Helios-Ra had no business here.
Shadows flitted between the trees,making an unearthly sigh of displaced air. A vampire screamed and turned to dust, billowing between the leaves. A wooden Helios-Ra stake bit the mape tree behind her as she crumbled. someone screeched. Connor leaped into the fary before I could stop him. Marcus was fighting, and Quinn, of course, who couldn,t be kept from good fight no mater the circumstances. Logan crouched between me and the worst  of it, Duncan wasfarther behind, guarding our back. It was standerd formation, aone any mother drilled into us along with our ABCs and why we mustn,t tell anyone our parents had fangs and drank blood instead of coffee. For my mother to have been trully proud, we should have the high ground.

We didn,t
In fact, we weren,t even all accounted for," Where,s London?"
I asked.
"She took off," Logan answered grimly. "She ran off dow some tunnel while you were napping."
"And you didn,t go after her?"
"Little busy for a temper tantrum."
"She probably feels bad about dragging me to court."
"Too busyfor that,too. She,llbe fine," he added." And anyway she mentiond something about doing some recon of her own. The royal guard should have beed there to protect you if you were such an honored guest.She wants to know what,s going on"
"Everything,s Sad-ass mess, is what,s going on"I muttered Doesn,t take genius to figure taht our
While Logan cleaned up, I took the dog out again. The garden were different at night, scraggly and thick, Crickets sang cheerfully from, the fields bordering the forest. The moon was yellow and hung in a tatter of clouds like lace. Nicholas was standing guard by the back door and scowling into the darkness. His eyes gleamed.
"Hurry up."he said.
"I can,t make  the dogs pee any faster" He didn't look at me turning .
I didn,t even know how far away from the farm we were have slept thruogh a good part of the journey.

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